I wish it weren’t the case, but I know most of you need to hide sex toys from eyes that might look at you differently if they find out what reallllly gets you off. A kinster’s gotta do what a kinkster’s gotta do! And there’s no need to involve anyone who just doesn’t want to know about it.

I’ve also noticed a recent trend of very experienced phone sex submissives failing to stay conscious and rational long enough to take their usual, well-thought out precautions. One of them just passed out cold in his man cave (ahem… sissy suite!) wearing a fishnet bodystocking, surrounded by lube and worn-out dildos, after a night of debauchery with a few of us mistresses! And yet another, in a post-orgasmic fog, felt that it was okay to just stash the stuff temporarily and move it to the ‘good’ hiding place later. But they weren’t there when he went to retrieve them – and this wasn’t the first time. Now THAT is denial!


Strategically Hide Sex Toys

No one knows your wife better than you do, and the time has come to apply that knowledge to your shortlist of hiding places. To get things off on the right foot: for the love of all things, do NOT keep them in a small, battered suitcase in the back of a closet. First of all, “in the closet” is just too cliché. Seriously. But also…both times I came across a man’s toybox without even trying – that’s where they were. I mean, the second time, I knew before I even opened the old case that it was full of sex secrets (lingerie, as it happens), because girls just know, y’know? Yeah, you know.

The #1 place that you all like to stash your butt plugs and bralettes is… the garage! But it’s a big place, so you need to be more specific – and strategic. I want you to give your wife’s searching habits a thought or two. I promise you, she goes out there for more than you think, so err on the side of caution. The best place is a box that isn’t definitively yours, but functionally you are the only one who is ever going to look in it. Because if your wife feels that something is up, she will go through your golf bag, tackle box, bike parts, etc for evidence. So your toys are safer in a box of leftover tiles or something else she wouldn’t accidentally throw out or donate somewhere – though I’m sure yours wouldn’t be the first dildo found in a Goodwill bin!


The #1 Best Place To Hide Sex Toys

Better than the garage, but along those lines: the wheel well in the back/trunk of the car. Some of us don’t even know such a thing exists, and the only time I ever looked in mine after buying the vehicle was when I packed up to move and needed every square inch of space. Even if you have a spare tire in there, there’s easily enough room for a panty collection – you’d hate for anyone to expose you as the panty boy you are!


What is YOUR Favorite Hiding Place?

Have you had long-term success with keeping your sex toys hidden from prying eyes? Let us know in the comments where it is/was, and how you determined that it was a good choice. I’m sure others could benefit from your creativity.

Have you ever been confronted with your discovered sex toy collection? Or maybe one day you went to pull them out, and they just weren’t there. Now that’s something you really MUST share below!