
Some random factoids about me, both sexy and unsexy


I live on Colorado’s Western Slope these days, but I’m from New Jersey mostly.

I’m heterosexual, to the disappointment of many men and a few women.

In early 2022, I adopted my first ever pet – a senior dog, and she owns my ass.

My biggest beauty indulgence: hair conditioner, masks, leave-ins.

The largest was 10″, the smallest was 4″. Yes, I’m talking about that.

I have a master’s degree. It looks almost as good as my 18,000′ skydiving certificate.

Unexpected erogenous zones: backs of knees, lower belly, palms/wrists.

If I want to make someone go away, I tell them I laugh at small dicks for a living. 100% success rate.

Lifetime travel junkie here. My favorite countries so far: Scotland, South Africa, Italy, Japan.

I don’t have sex toys, I prefer to get creative with household items!

I get a real kick from doling out old-fashioned school punishments.

Favorite movie: Princess Bride

I’m embarrassed that my favorite cocktail is the Cosmopolitan.